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How do we meet for a session?

I share my practice Virtually WorldWide :) *and* also I see a limited amount of clients in my healing sanctuary in Austin,TX.


Virtual Platforms:

  • Facetime (iphone)

  • Whatsapp


If you are a returning or new client who has passed my healthy and safety interview, I provide a lovely, professional, and clean therapy space with  gentle music, relaxing lighting, massage area, cuddle therapy suite, a client's area restroom for your refreshment and everything necessary to leave the world at the door. 

It’s a stress-free, full-permission to BE You space. 

After you book your session, I'll send an email with the exact address, and all the logistics covered to make your journey over for your session full of ease. 



I am both a bodyworker and a LMT (licensed massage therapist) 

Bodywork refers to various hands-on and off therapeutic practices that work with the body specifically to support healing and restoration. Different types of Energy work, like Reiki, a japanese form of healing (which I am also trained / certified in) would be included in Bodywork. Yoga is bodywork, Somatic Coaching is Bodywork. So is Yoga since the focus is on the experience of the body in stillness and movement for the purpose of balancing. Cuddle therapy focuses on relaxing the body and platonic touch, so yep, it also falls in the category of bodywork. 

Massage therapy (LMT) is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are many types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities). People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness. 




Get in touch with your intentions or goals for exploring with me before the session. Arrive nourished, but not super full. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in / relax in. A journal may be helpful. Please do not use alcohol, or mood altering drugs of any kind the day of our session. Be rested.  No strong scents or perfume.  Following these guidelines will greatly improve the success of our time together. I send out a confirmation email once you've booked to fill you in on all the details you'll need for the session day.




24 hours advanced notice is required to cancel or re-schedule your session. You will be charged the full amount for no-showing or canceling the day of our session. Refunds are only given to people who communicate 24 hrs. in advance if there is something that needs to change. I am willing to “credit your account” with me for a future session(s) depending on the situation.

Membership Cancellations and refunds detailed below:




Life happens. Things change and refunds are given on a case by case basis. When you enter into an agreement with me you are asking that I reserve my time (current and future) in service of your needs. Here's a breakdown of how my refunds work:


-Single session / non-member refunds: In most cases, If you let me know 24 hrs in advance of your session that you cannot make it for whatever reason, I am happy to refund you in total minus the processing fees associated w/ the transaction (this varies depending on the total). This request to cancel must be in an email to If I don't hear from you 24 hrs in advance, I will retain the booking deposit, which can be transferred to another scheduled session. You may also be required to pay for the whole session, depending on the situation. Communication is key! 

In some cases, I will retain your booking deposit, if for example you are a new client who booked online prior to a consult and reserved a session before knowing if it would be a good fit, therefore making it so others cannot book w/ me. 


-Member refunds: When you commit to a yearlong, 6 month, or 3 month membership with me, I immediately block my schedule for those sessions for your packaged / agreed upon time. What this means, is that I am no longer available to others to book with me, as I am prioritizing my relationship with you. 


If you as a member, choose to cancel / stop / opt out of your membership with me and end our *therapeutic relationship before the end of our contracted term, you run the risk of losing your sessions and monetary investment.


VIP Packages, Series Packages, Virtual Packages, and other offerings vary in terms of refunds. Offered on a case by case basis, and in general none are typically given. 




A therapeutic relationship is where there are agreed upon boundaries and limits between a practitioner (me)  and a client (you) for how the sharing of connection will go in order to create safety.

There is no tolerance for crossing these boundaries:

-touching me in any way without consent (ask!)

-staring at / exploring with your eyes, my body (i.e. looking around my body / breasts / ass / pelvis / ) without consent. (ask!)

-making sexual jokes / references w/o consent (ask!)

-any language or behavior that I deem abusive or disrespectful in any way shape or form 


I understand many of you (especially men) are needing a safe space to learn how to be in full consent around relating with women. I welcome you to practice with me fully understanding my above mentioned boundaries. You are allowed to make mistakes, you are human. I just expect respect and care in the process. If you breech the above mentioned boundaries a second time after a first warning (and process around consent w/ me so it doesn't happen again), you will automatically forego the refund policy as stated above, and will lose the sessions / your investment and ability to ever schedule with me again. 




A great question deserves a great answer:

“At its most basic, Tantra is an ancient and expansive spiritual philosophy with roots in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism. It is an enlightenment path marked by practical, embodied practice. The literal translation of the sanskrit word is “to weave.” In tantra, all of life is spiritual practice–every moment an opportunity to engage one’s full divine presence, energetically saying yes to every experience–from grief to bliss to rage to joy.


One aspect of the Tantric path is full awareness and acceptance of all things–including those aspects of ourselves we often don’t like to look at (like sexuality, anger, and jealousy, to name a few). By moving deeply into our understanding of these parts of ourselves, we can be freed of their oppressive rule in our lives. When we cultivate the quality of “witness” of ourselves and our behaviors, we gain choice and freedom in how we respond to life’s provocations.


Tantra is also known as the union of opposites–yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, divine and profane, etc. Human consciousness perceives these opposites as polarized dualities, preventing us from experiencing our true nature in unity with all that is. As we move from duality and separation to totality and connection, immense bliss and joy emerges!” ~ Robyn Thoren Smith, friend and colleague


It isn't me: 

touching your genitals and calling it "enlightenment" haha. no. 




I’ve been engaging in tantric practice (yoga asana, mantra, meditation, ritual) for over a decade. Hatha yoga, is actually in the same yoga family as tantra yoga (and there are many places on Earth where this spiritual path is practiced. I have experience with Buddhist, Hindu, and Tibetan Tantra). There are misinformed people that believe that all tantric practice is focused on sex, but mine is not and I do not engage in sexual activity with my clients. My services are within my religious spiritual path and are platonic and education and practice based. 


Covid safety measures

Your wellness is very important to me.


Rest assured that I:


  • Keep my session and client areas highly clean and sanitized.

  • Don't allow for more than 3 clients in my professional space per day, and between them everything gets wiped down and prepared for fresh for you.

  • I use a hepa filter to clean the air of environmental toxins

  • Masks are optional. Feel free to wear one if you feel this will support your wellness. I am someone who is exempt from this as I am dysregulated when wearing one and therefore cannot do my job to support you.  

  • I'd like to share that I live a distanced lifestyle for my and your safety. I have been living a distanced lifestyle for most of my life because I am an energetic empath and highly sensitive person (HSP). You can rest easy knowing that I live a very very low risk exposure potential and carry natural immunity having had and beaten c-vid and it's varient(s) :)   


IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, suspect you may have been exposed to Covid-19/Corona Virus, or any other communicable disease; PLEASE CONTACT ME TO RESCHEDULE!


I will obviously do the same for you if I feel unwell or am aware of possible exposure.




I offer Virtual and In-person Massage Cuddle therapy for those who pass my health and safety interview.


Clients must have  been working from home/socially very distanced with no known exposure potentials who have been following CDC guidelines and state/government protocols (quarantining, not traveling, no large gatherings, etc.)


New clients who want to work with me in-person will need to have a Virtual Meet and Greet (free) with me so that I can assess our health and safety. As well as create a connection, go over questions, etc. That meet and greet will be about 15 min on a virtual video platform that we agree on.



  • Facetime 

  • Signal 

  • Whatsapp


Send an email to or book the consult HERE. 


Is a Virtual Cuddle Session effective since there's no real touch?


YES! Virtual Cuddle therapy sessions are amazingly intimate and "touching" (meaning even w/o physical touch there's a sense of real closeness). Because of the way I set up the experience for you, you will feel fully invited into sweet nurturing cuddly time, at a safe distance. 

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